Castration one of the quickest and simplest surgical procedures in cats and dogs. Simply, in dogs, a single incision is made just in front of the testes. Both testes are pushed forward and removed through this single incision.
The testes normally are held in place by a membrane called the tunica. Incising through the tunica exposes the spermatic cord and blood vessels, which are then double ligated with dissolving suture material.
Once the testes are removed, the tissue under the skin is closed with dissolving suture material, and the skin is closed with non-absorbable sutures that need to be removed in ten days’ time.
Castration for Cats is slightly different in that two separate incisions are made; one for each testicle. No sutures are necessary, as the incisions are so small.
Surgical complications are very rare; the operation takes five to ten minutes, and pets recover very quickly. Pain relieving and antibiotic injections are given at the time of surgery, and ongoing medications are not needed. Patients are recovered and running around the next day.