Our lovely client Pets of The Homeless Australia is hosting a raffle to raise money for their veterinary care fund that enables them to continue to provide essential service’s to those in need. Please PM or email them at fundraising@petsofthehomeless.com.au to purchase tickets. The raffle will be drawn at 8pm AEDT, Wednesday, November 30, 2016 via a Facebook […]
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Our Fund Raiser to Prevent Animal Cruelty
We would like to thank all of our supporters so so much for your awesome contribution in helping us fight back against animal cruelty! We recently took part in the RSPCA’s Annual Cupcake Day for 2016 and raised $304. 100% of the funds that we raised goes directly to the RSPCA and will assist animals who […]
Please suppawt us in the fight against animal cruelty!

This year we’ve decided to join in and assist a worthy to help raise much-needed funds for the many abandoned, injured, neglected and sick animals who come into the RSPCA’s care each and every year. Cupcake Day is officially held on Monday 20 August, but we know there’s never a bad time to eat cupcakes, so […]
Cutest Cat Competition

Do you have THE cutest Kitty ever? Well we have just the competition for you! Post a photo of your cheeky kitty on our Facebook page and share or tag a friend to be in the running to win SAH’s cutest cat competition and have your cutie feature on our website! Entries close April 14th […]
Valentine’s Day

What tasty treat will you be giving to your four-legged valentine? With an increase of sweets around the house, you do need to be very careful with your furry loved ones because some of our ‘human’ treats can be deadly for them. Most of us are aware that chocolate can cause serious symptoms in dogs such […]
1251 Nepean Highway: Your New Vet Clinic!

As our clients know, for the past six years we have operated out of our Park Road Cheltenham premises – which has served us extremely well. However since then we have progressed from a one vet and two nurse start up practice, to five vets and eight nurses and as you could imagine, there is not […]
Tightrope Procedure for Cruciate Rupture
When it comes to a cruciate rupture – one of the most common injuries your dog (and occasionally cat) will sustain, there are a few techniques that will correct this injury (of which most veterinary clinics will only offer one). At SAH, not only do we offer all the various options (including specialist options), we […]
A Warning for Our Feline Friends – Vaccinate Now
There have been recent reports of an outbreak of Feline Parvovirus in Melbourne. This is a serious disease causing life threatening gastroenteritis and immune system depression in all cats – most commonly kitten and older cats or cats that are unwell with other disease. The symptoms usually require treatment on intravenous fluids in hospital, with […]
A Weighty Concern! – How do you Control your Pet’s Weight?
One of the most misunderstood areas of pet health is weight, and how best to control it. We have taken the confusion out of this topic by making the answer very simple for any pet owner who has problems either reducing or controlling their pet’s weight. Hence, if having weight concerns with your pet (or […]